My Story

I have always loved real estate and people.  Well, let me clarify, I have always loved looking at other people's homes.  My mom calls me nosy, but I think of it more as a curiosity.  I like to see how other people live, how they make a space work and how their home operates. Each person is so unique and seeing how that translates into their home is fascinating to me.

I used to frequent showhomes and open houses, wondering about the families that lived there or would one day move in.  In my mid-twenties I started to think about how I could find a way to make my 2 interests into a career.  After some investigation, I signed up for the necessary courses to become a licensed real estate agent.

But, there was an issue.  While I loved people-watching, I wasn’t exactly a people person.  I was terribly shy,  insecure and scared of my own shadow.  But I was young and determined so I forged ahead with my plan. Figuring I would fake it till I make it, I started behaving like the stereotypical real estate agent.  I turned myself into the quintessential salesperson that would try to work real estate into every conversation.  And it felt gross!

Not surprisingly, I burnt out quickly and realized this was not the dream I’d hoped for.  But being the stubborn person I am, I stuck with it. For years I built my business and silently resented it.   I felt like I always had to be ‘on’ and smiling and ready to talk business.  While I loved finding the perfect house for a client and being a part of their journey, I was done.

It was time to take a hard look at what I was doing.  I asked myself some tough questions and kept coming back to the same answer.  The problem wasn’t the industry or even the people in it, it was me.  Pretending to be someone you’re not is exhausting!  And while I’d like to tell you that the change was immediate, it actually took a long time to be myself.  I started little by little to work my true personality into each transaction.  I found that my natural tendency to listen instead of talk helped me to better understand my clients.  I found that working humour into home buying helped put everyone at ease and enjoy the process.  

And as time passed, I realized that I liked who I was and so did a lot of other people.  I found that being me allowed me to understand my clients better.  It made others more comfortable with me and in turn, allowed them to share their goals and worries with me.  Being me allows me to connect better with clients. By finding myself I have also found the most amazing clients.  Now I focus on helping like-minded women find the home of their dreams.  Working with these amazing ladies gives me the satisfaction that was missing earlier in my career.  It allows me to meet and build relationships with some pretty awesome people.  My goal is to be that friend that always has the best advice…at least when it comes to real estate.  

Get In Touch

Krista Kehoe

Mobile: 403-554-7997


Office Info

Real Estate Professionals

#202, 5403 Crowchild Trail NW  Calgary,  AB  T3B 4Z1 

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